Why does the lower back hurt?

Unfortunately, there is no perfectly healthy person in the world. Each of us constantly worries about something in the state of our body. This is probably the reason why we often wish each other health, happiness, and spirits.

Low back pain is one of the most common complaints. And, if in childhood that seems to us only to the elderly, then as an adult, recognizing the wrong idea has come. Back pain is not covered by age, social status or type of activity. And this is primarily due to many causes of lumbar spine pain, as well as its various manifestations.

Lower back pain diseases

Usually, lower back pain is caused by a particular disease and as a consequence - a symptom, its nature makes it possible to make a targeted diagnosis, an accurate diagnosis and onlyout of ways, methods, methods and, in general, treatment strategies.

back pain in men

Pain in the lumbar region is primary or secondary.

Primary is directly related to diseases of the spine:

  • disorders of bone necrosis or cartilage dystrophy (1/3 of total patients visited);
  • "bulge" the disc beyond the boundary of the spine (protrusion of the eye), the displacement of the disc nucleus, in which the fibrous annular ruptures (disc herniation);
  • displacement of one or more vertebrae: forward, posterior;
  • accelerates aging and destroys cartilage of the disc joint (degenerative vertebrae);
  • Development of
  • of bone tissue along the edges of the spine in the form of a spine (degenerative vertebrae).

Secondary pain caused by diseases of other organs:

  • traumatic fracture or osteoporosis (increased fracture of bones);
  • the appearance of a tumor in one of the parts (lumen) of the spinal cord;
  • muscle tension;
  • congenital insufficient width of the spinal canal;
  • all curvatures of the spine and their association, including deformations leading to the appearance of a "hump" in the thoracic spine;
  • different types of arthritis / arthritis (psoriasis, rheumatism and others);
  • tuberculosis of the spine and other inflammatory processes affecting the disc;
  • kidney / urinary tract stones, pyelonephritis (kidney damage);
  • ovarian cysts, including cancer;
  • Spinal pain
  • can also be a complication of pregnancy in women.

What can characteristics of low back pain indicate?

Of course, it is not possible to independently diagnose the extent, severity, or type of back pain. But when back pain, however, certain symptoms tell us about one or the other.

Severe pain

When the pain in the lumbar spine is severe, it is likely that the patient has bone tumor or sciatica. Furthermore, in the first case, it manifests itself during walking, when a person sits for a long time, lifts weights, and even coughs or sneezes. In some cases, there may be complaints that the back hurts and that the pain spreads down the legs.

If we were talking about pulp inflammation, the patient would describe the pain as acute or dull, stinging, usually unilateral and "responsive" in the thighs, legs, buttocks. It may increase with walking, with a change in the position of the human body, accompanied by a cough.

What can acute low back pain indicate?

In case of acute pain you should talk about:

muscle relaxant
  • ;
  • worked long in an uncomfortable position against the trunk;
  • back pain after sleep due to an uncomfortable position of the body and staying for a long time;
  • pain arising during weight lifting or carrying, in the event of a fall, blow, or sudden movement;
  • hypothermia or prolonged exposure to drafts;
  • is ​​also a possibility of low back pain (also known as low back pain), which occurs in patients who engage in heavy physical labor. In this case, low back pain may go away after a few days, but it also occurs when it persists and accompanies a person for two or more weeks;
  • displacement of the disc occurs in the lumbar part - often appears in connection with spinal fractures, with osteonecrosis, interaction with heavy objects (especially lifting them), during exercise. difficult physical actions or due to surgical interventions aimed at survival.
the stinging nature of the pain

The stinging nature of the pain: what is he talking about?

Pain (the patient may describe it as "lower back pain", or "lower back pull") - very often manifested in the inflammatory process of the lumbar muscle.

This is caused by sudden hypothermia or sudden muscle tension / overexertion. In this case, the patient identifies the pain as an aching pain in the lumbar spine, and is accompanied by sharp pain with the movement.

Chronic, persistent lower back pain

If the lower back hurts and even the patient himself can describe it as chronic then the most likely diagnosis would be:

Degenerative deformities of the spine
  • - an increase in the number of bone tissue of the spine due to the appearance of spines that grow along the margins of the vertebrae (manifested by severe back pain, especially inlumbar region, which may incorporate numbness and / or leg weakness);
  • Disease
  • of the vertebral joint - often it has a chronic systemic nature;
  • diseases from certain cancers;
  • metabolic disorder.

Errors without constant localization, migration

One of the hard times to determine the cause of a patient is the movement of pain over time. At the same time, a person can be sure that his lower back hurts, despite the fact that the body "deceives" him, and the disease will creep into other organs.

These pains are usually caused by diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammation of the kidneys, diseases of the pancreas, colon can contribute to the development of pain in the lumbar spine, and it can also occur due to painful changes in bone tissue and tumors. other nature.

Sometimes the pain of the lower back is confused with the pain that occurs in the shoulder blade area. However, these are still different types of pain and they are mostly related to different illnesses. So, pain in the shoulder blades, for example, indicates stomach ulcers, myocardial infarction, intercostal pain, and even the patient's psychology.

move pain from time to time

If you find it difficult to independently identify the area where pain occurs, and whether they are frequent or acute, you should see your doctor immediately!

Injuries leading to lower back pain

It's weird, but very often the cause of pain in the lower back is an injury - for example, a bruising of the back muscle or a sprain. Timely visiting a doctor ensures an accurate diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment.

In severe cases, complications are high, serious curvature of the spine is not excluded.

Characteristics of back pain in women

"What is the specific cause of low back pain in women? " - you ask. And we will answer that there are not too few of them. And men, in general, can thank the Creator because they cannot have these reasons.

Among the "provocators" of lower back pain in women are:

  • menstruation / menstruation;
  • is ​​pregnant;
  • climax.

In each of these cases, the pain can be of a different nature. Depending on the direct cause, the characteristics of the female body, the level of stress in the lower back during pregnancy, the woman's age, the job of the woman, the type of occupational activity, the pain may manifest. different ways.

But what about men?

Unfortunately, in men, low back pain syndrome is quite common.

And there's enough reason he doesn't have a female element:

  • (muscle, accompanied by sharp pain);
  • fracture of the spine (after a person falls to his leg, or when a man is hit on his lower back), it is very common for men to get such injuries in car crashes;
  • bulging / bulging disc or some disc displacement, when it begins to put pressure on the nerve roots, usually this pathology arises and is diagnosed through excessive physical activity;
  • develops metastasis of genital cancer in men, most commonly after age 50; At the same time, the pain develops with a change in the degree of damage to bone tissue, and it is so strong that with a special anesthetic, the pain reliever can be stopped;
  • degenerative vertebrae (when a nerve root or several roots are impaired in the area of ​​the disc canal);
  • in the case when painful manifestations are pervasive, they indicate the presence and development of prostate diseases, liver or kidney problems.

Risk factors: what might cause lower back pain?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee ourselves against this or that disease. But we are able to study risk factors - the most common causes of the onset of the disease and take measures to get rid of them (if possible) or at least partially neutralize the image. their effects on the body.

The most common risk factors for low back pain include:

  • conducts intensive exertion training (exercise), especially in the lumbar spine and spine;
  • moves suddenly;
  • be for a considerable amount of time in the same position (for example, people whose activities involve driving a car, working with a computer and even work that one is requiredStanding for a long time - in-store consultants, pharmacists) in pharmacies, foremen at factories in factories, etc. v. );
  • in the morning, the lower back can also be sore, which "says" that the mattress or pillow is not right for you, but they do not rule out the inflammatory process, thus manifesting symptomatically;
  • work based on great physical or psychological stress, stress may also present evidence of lower back pain;
  • As mentioned earlier, pregnancy and childbirth also increase the likelihood of lower back pain;
  • What can cause low back pain
  • large weight and lower back pain are also closely related, since the pressure on one's internal organs and spine depends on total body weight.

When do you need medical attention?

Just as we hate being sick, we hate seeing doctors for help. There are many ways to independently identify the causes of the disease and how to treat them. Of course, there are reasons for this belief.

But in the case of back pain you still want to distinguish somehow: here you can lie down, get medical treatment on your own, but here - without the help of a doctor, sometimes urgent! - just not enough.

We can clearly say that if the pain occurs only once or the cause of the pain is one of the female causes, then in principle you can't panic, but waitwait, watch the body, give the opportunity to rest, not to overload.

If the pain does not last long and does not recur, then you have identified the exact cause and you can do it without medical intervention.

Treatment of lower back pain:

  • is ​​systematically repeated;
  • pass and continue;
  • is ​​amplified;
  • pain lasting more than three days;
  • is ​​repeated in the morning;
  • you injured and associated the appearance of pain in the lower back with it;
  • feel pain in the lower back and legs (feet and lower legs) at the same time;
  • or - pain in the lower back combined and with that, the buttocks and legs (thighs, shins, feet) and even the groin area is numb - this is a serious reason to need an urgent doctor!
exercises for back pain

In the above cases, you do not need to make guesswork, find the cause of the pain by yourself, wonder why the lower back hurts, but need to contact the medical facility immediately. Without medical help, the situation could get worse and treatment will take more time and effort.

Keep in mind that back pain, low back pain is not a case where you might joke or hope "randomly" (an abnormality or a disc displacement, for example, never fixes it on your own). .

Failure to timely diagnose the pain in humans, as well as proper treatment, can lead to serious, complex, lumbar surgery and even lower hemiplegia and disability.